Use "paid dearly|pay dearly" in a sentence

1. The filmy chemises were dearly paid for.

2. She'd paid bitterly and dearly for her unshakeable loyalty.

3. Britain was to pay dearly for its lack of resolve.

4. She loves him dearly.

5. Victory was dearly bought.

6. James loved her dearly .

7. If you refuse to cooperate with us, you will pay dearly for it.

8. Our victory was dearly bought.

9. She loved her father dearly.

10. He loved his wife dearly.

11. She loves her children dearly.

12. He loves his mother dearly.

13. Success has cost him dearly.

14. And her rulers* dearly love dishonor.

15. I would dearly love to marry.

16. The scandal has cost Nicholson dearly.

17. 2 synonyms for Affectionately: dear, dearly

18. Her lax attitude cost her dearly.

19. Every mother loves her children dearly.

20. He is dearly missed at this meeting.

21. But the scandal has cost Gilbey dearly.

22. Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.

23. In consequence of this they loved him dearly.

24. She would dearly like to get that job.

25. I'm not here for my dearly departed, though.

26. Today's performance is dedicated to our dearly departed Aynsley.

27. I would dearly like to know what she said.

28. He would dearly love to see his mother again.

29. You see, Professor Slughorn possesses something I desire very dearly.

30. She will be dearly missed by her family and friends.

31. He drank too much and is paying dearly for it.

32. 14 Nurturing her daughter's undoubted talent has cost Mrs Charley dearly.

33. An action he and the citizens of this city dearly regret.

34. 13 Besides, we knew beyond doubt that she loved us dearly.

35. I would dearly like / love to know what he was thinking.

36. Ordinary people are paying dearly for the mistakes of this administration.

37. I would dearly love to add a Catfish as a tank companion.

38. After he got married, Manuel’s life course continued to cost him dearly.

39. Their liquor gone, They play the harlot continually; Their rulers dearly love shame.

40. The weakness in their defense has already cost them dearly this season.

41. But why would we want to send our dearly departed into space?

42. Cockroft dearly believed that the source of the neutrons was thermonuclear fusion.

43. Boles loved his family dearly; especially spending time with his son, John Paul

44. Problems and inefficiencies cost grain producers dearly every crop year, year after year

45. I have given my dearly beloved one* into the hand of her enemies.

46. However, they may be feeling very sad because they dearly miss their loved one.

47. At this point Katz would dearly love a little navigational help from above.

48. We would dearly love to sell our flat and move to the country.

49. And I would dearly like to see those two little split-legged bitches dead!

50. You just hate waste, and when someone else costs you dearly you see red.

51. Joseph dearly loved his elderly father and was not ashamed to demonstrate his love.

52. She loved Naomi dearly and would do all she could to care for her.

53. Synonyms for Cutely include darlingly, cherubically, adorably, sweetly, dearly, endearingly, daintily, preciously, innocently and angelically

54. Synonyms for Adorably include cutely, darlingly, dearly, lovably, preciously, sweetly, captivatingly, charmingly, delightfully and fetchingly

55. Synonyms for Amorously include fondly, affectionately, dearly, lovingly, tenderly, adoringly, indulgently, possessively, with affection and devotedly

56. And what, dearly beloved, can we do about the weakness of lusting men and soft women? Corrupting...

57. 2 How dearly we cherish the personal relationship we are allowed to have with our heavenly Father!

58. 16 America... once the Arsenal of Democracy is now dependent upon red china for everything from drywall to circuit boards. We will pay dearly for our greed one day.

59. A Columbarium is a vault, or wall with niches to store the cremated remains of the dearly departed

60. Neville's genius was to subvert and turn round press attacks on Oz, but they could still cost dearly.

61. Grandmother displayed all the warmth, enthusiasm, and flamboyance that she had loved so dearly in her brother Theodore.

62. And this Person is the second person in the Trinity, the only Begotten and dearly beloved Son of God

63. Some who would dearly love to be at congregation meetings and assemblies may rarely be able to do so.

64. She dearly wished that her only daughter had settled down with Les Williams, a hardworking friend of her son.

65. She may have been physically attractive, but did she prove to be a woman that he could dearly love?

66. 5 We'd dearly love to grab squares of iridescent fabric and twist them into fabulously flattering Jerry Hallesque wraps.

67. Although I loved him dearly, he was a bit of a rascal and liked the drink far too much.

68. And speaking of taxpayers, this government sick-day phenomenon — we could also invent a clinical term, Bureaucratitis — is costing us all dearly

69. And speaking of taxpayers, this government sick-day phenomenon – we could also invent a clinical term, Bureaucratitis – is costing us all dearly

70. In 1975, when our funds were depleted, we were sad to leave the friends we had come to love so dearly.

71. Follow through will cost you dearly in time and effort but it may reward you handsomely in terms of what happens to your report.

72. Esther and her husband raised a fine family, and I am blessed with a number of nieces and nephews, whom I dearly love.

73. Bitterly as I hated the man who had parted us, I loved her dearly enough to be even capable of helping him for her sake

74. A story about a jealous uncle whose attempts to usurp the throne from the rightful king cost the Seven Kingdoms dearly in blood and gold.

75. My decision was not an easy one for my family to swallow, for my son, five, is the only boy, and they love him dearly.’

76. In our traditionary physics teaching material, it adopts to dispose dearly of knowledge points about logic relation, but deal with physics methods veiledly, that is .

77. The Dearly dogs are now among 97 puppies who were kidnapped or legally purchased from various owners, with the intention of skinning them for their fur.

78. Cassim , who had heard the trampling of their horses " feet , resolved to sell his life dearly , so when the door opened he leaped out and threw the Captain down .

79. Mary Jane developed many long term Camaraderies and friendships with her peers and co-workers at Shriners, and has been dearly loved and supported throughout her illness by all of them.

80. Each time I felt all the Agonies of her death — and at each accession of the disorder I loved her more dearly & clung to her life with more desperate pertinacity